NDE-Integration in 12 Steps: Meditations


This page contains the recorded meditations referenced in the book "NDE-Integration in 12 Steps" (2022) by Bethany Silver, Jim Bruton and Diana Marquez-Lyons.

The intent of this guide is to support Near Death Experiencers and their families as they come to terms with the changes that result from a Near Death Experience (NDE.)

We invite you to use only the parts of this resource that you find useful.

While we have put considerable time and effort into this, your personal engagement with the steps is essential, and no single path will work for all experiencers.

While we cannot guarantee any specific outcomes, please email bethany@meditation4good.org if you would like to reach out for additional information or to make suggestions.

As with all meditation practice, ensure you are in a safe place where you can lie down and relax completely.

Before you begin, turn off the stove, the tv, and any media that may distract you from the meditation. Set your intention to open yourself to the experience and be fully present with yourself.

During this special time of relaxing and focusing on your breath your mind may want to draw your attention to other things. This is completely normal, and should be expected. When this happens, acknowledge the thought or topic, make a mental note to return to it later, and let it go, returning your focus to your breath.

A recorded version of all meditations is available at Meditation4Good.org. The recording may help you get started with the meditation practice. Some people find it helpful to play instrumental music or sounds from nature when practicing a guided meditation. Because everyone is different, and many NDErs are sensitive to sound, the recording is just Bethany’s voice.

The recordings contain the words provided in the Meditation Text section below.

Meditation Text (Note: our book is in process, and we are building this component as we go.

Hello, this is Bethany. Welcome to our Step 1 Meditation: You returned for a reason

This is a 10-minute guided meditation for deep, cleansing breath to clear the mind and steady the heart.

As with all meditation practice, ensure you are in a safe place where you can lay down and relax completely.

Before you begin, please turn off the stove, the tv, and any media that may distract you from the meditation.

Set your intention to open yourself to the experience and to be fully present with yourself.

Let's begin.

  1. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position.

  1. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and

  1. Notice how comfortable your body feels.

  1. Let your body sink into the surface beneath you.

  1. Feel gratitude for the relaxation you are beginning to feel.

  1. Take a slow deep breath in through your nose, hold it, and slowly release it.

  1. Continue with slow deep breaths, feeling the oxygen flood your brain, calming your mind

  1. Feel gratitude and peace gently calming your body.

  1. As you continue to breathe deeply, holding for a slow count of 5, then releasing for a slow count of 5, imagine the air around you is a golden pink, loving light, full of wisdom.

  1. This light is present to protect and nurture you.

  1. Breathe in the light, deeply.

  1. It enters your lungs and begins to spread throughout your body.

  1. Feel your heart smile as it pumps the light through your veins.

  1. The light brings a sense of peace, calm and comfort as it spreads throughout your body, entering all of your organs, each of your limbs, eventually perfusing every atom of your being.

  1. Continue to breathe, slow and steady.

  1. Feel the loving, healing energy throughout your body.

  1. The light brings loving wisdom to your mind and spirit.

  1. Allow any thoughts that enter your mind to come, be acknowledged, and leave.

  1. Imagine the light pooling around you.

  1. Focus on the feelings of peace and well-being that surround you, as you notice the light that completely saturates and surrounds you.

  1. Continue to breathe deeply and calmly, feeling nurtured by the loving light around and within you.

  1. When you are ready, open your eyes. Slowly sit up.

  1. Speak this work out loud - Namaste (na-ma-stay). I see the light within you.

(Note: the recorded meditation is 5:54 minutes.)

Meditation Recordings

Step 1 Meditation: Understand that you returned for a reason (5:54 minutes)

Step 2 Meditation: Intend to stay connected to your higher self

Step 3 Meditation: Accept, embrace and surrender to your truth, whatever you understand that truth to be

Step 4 Meditation: Conduct a deliberate review of self pre- and post- NDE

Step 5 Meditation: Surrender your new understanding of self

Step 6 Meditation: Conduct a comprehensive empathy walk

Step 7 Meditation: Seek inner, and NDE-peer guidance

Step 8 Meditation: Build and Deepen Relationships

Step 9 Meditation: Show gratitude for the love and support others have shared to facilitate your recovery and integration

Step 10 Meditation: Commit to continuous self-examination without judgment

Step 11 Meditation: Deepen into a relationship with your higher self

Step 12 Meditation: Be a support to others recovering from NDEs, or other transformational experiences, through the active practice of unconditional love.